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Submission of applications for public calls in the frame of the Lifelong Learning Programmes, the European Territorial Co-operation Programmes and other European centralised programmes
- Phare Cross-border Cooperation SDLO 2002, Crossborder Region Goes Digital, project FOCUS SIAT,
- Phare 2003 Lifelong learning, project E-VINTER,
- Phare 2003 Economic and Social Cohesion, project DISNET,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Development of Innovation, project SOCIAL RETURN,
- European programme eContentPlus, project LandSpect,
- INTERREG III3A, Neighbourhood Programme SLO-HU-CRO 2004-2006, project DRAVA,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation, project MeRLaB,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Individual Mobility, project AMSTERDAM,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci, project KA:SRN,
- European programme PHEA 2008, project SIDI Heap,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Development of Innovation, project SCRIPT,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships, project SRPE,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Mobility, project BEPEX,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Mobility, project ADG DRG,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Mobility, project IN-HAIR,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Key Activity 3, project CLETREX,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Thematic Networks, project E-PRAGMATIC,
- Programme Haus der Zukunft, project PHplus CAD,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation, project REAL,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation, project SUBSCRIPT,
- European Territorial Co-operation, Operational Programme Slovenia-Austria 2007-2013, project Čezmejna vodarska iniciativa za reki Drava in Mura, DRA-MUR-CI,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Multilateralni projecti KA4, project SUPERSCRIPT,
- European Territorial Co-operation, Operational Programme Slovenia-Austria 2007-2013, project VAINNO,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius Partnerstva, project RIZI,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation, project CREATE-IN,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Mobility, project BODIMOBIL,
- European Territorial Co-operation, Operational Programme Slovenia-Hungary 2007-2013, project MENTAL HEALTH

Submission of applications for publiccalls of the Slovene institutions for projects co-financed out of the European funds and out of national funds
Slovene Enterprise Fund (ESF)
- Public call for product P1 – Guarantees of the ESF for bank loans with subsidized interest rate,
- Public call for product P2 – Grants for start-ups in technology parks and incubators,
- Public call for product P4 – Co-financing of purchase of new technological equipment.
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
- Public calls in the frame of the Measure 123 – Adding value to agricultural and forestry products for companies, sole proprietorships, cooperatives and institutes,
- Public calls in the frame of the Measure 312 – Allocation of funds from the measure Support for the creation and development of micro enterprises.
Slovenian Technology Agency (TIA)
- Public call “Direct incentives for joint development and investment projects” (RIP), project TRAKER Q3,
- Public call "Promoting of the process of transfer of knowledge – VALOR 2008", project MAGNOLIA,
- Public call of the technological programme »Technology for security and peace 2006-2012« (TP MIR), project ARM-03.
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology
- Public call for promoting of research and development projects for development of e-contents and e-services in 2009 in 2010, project DISK-UP,
- Public call for promoting of research and development projects for development of e-contents and e-services, project VITAGRAD.
Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)
- Public call for research projects in the frame of the Target Research Programmes, project EVIZIP.
Ministry of Health
- Project management office for the project REFERENČNE AMBULANTE DRUŽINSKE MEDICINE.
Administrative and financial project management
- 6th Framework Programme, project HYSYS (2005-2010),
- 6th Framework Programme, project HICEPS (2005-2010),
- Programme Tempus, project NEWEBTOOLS (2005-2006),
- Programme Tempus, project SM COSUCOLA (2006-2007),
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation, project EDIPE: E-learning Distance Interactive Practical Education,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci, project Elefants,
- Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Erasmus, project MARE (Socrates-Erasmus – Joint European Master Degree),
- Community Initiative Programme EQUAL, project PRIJAZEN ŠTUDIJ ZA ŠTUDENTE S POSEBNIMI POTREBAMI, »Enakovredni študij« (2004-2007).