
I have often heard that theory is one thing but real challenges lie elsewhere. In this case we devote special attention to you and focus on the challenges using a personal approach and with this help you find optimum solutions.

Setting up a project office

Project office in small and medium-sized project environments is a central point of all project activities and provides a professional support to project managers. In an effective way it monitors the progress of the project in all aspects: the use of personnel, use of planned funds, the implementation conditions and communication of results. When setting up a project office we can help you with our experience in objective assessment of the situation.

Help in applying for European and national funds

Drafting a project application for a subsidy requires not only clearly defined objectives and a well designed strategy but also an accurate administrative preparation of the whole application pack. Many run out of time and personnel. We are happy to help you in the administrative implementation and monitoring of European (also in English) and in local calls.

Submission of applications on local, national, European and international level

  • Slovenian Technology Agency (TIA)
  • Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS)
  • Slovene Enterprise Fund (ESF)
  • Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology 
  • Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, EACEA (Lifelong Learning Programmes Comenius, Erasmus, Grundtvig, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lingua, Minerva, Tempus (JEP, SCM), Erasmus Mundus, eLearning, Jean Monnet Action, Active Citizenship and Youth (Youth in Action), Culture (mobility, exchange, pilot projects), Media Training) 
  • European funds in Slovenia (European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund, European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development)
  • Objective 3, European Territorial Co-operation:  Crossborder Co-operation (Slovenia-Austria, Slovenia-Hungary, Slovenia-Croatia, Italy-Slovenia, Adriatic-IPA), Transnational Co-operation (Alpine Space, Central Europe, South-east Europe, Mediterranian), Inter-regional Co-operation (Interreg IV C, Interact II, Urbact II, Espon)