About the institute Prava poteza Maribor
Are you familiar with the following situation: a group leader or a manager of a small company decides to start working on the principles of the project management expecting the work to start going on swimmingly just by itself. The entire group will attend a course or a workshop, they will learn about the project work and the future will be under control. But is it so? Absolutely not!
Similar stories and experience have led me on to start the Institute Prava poteza (“clever stroke” or “the right move”). The Institute does not only mean the right move towards achieving a structured and systematic work, it also means constant learning and improvement.
Our mission
Managing projects that are aligned with the environment and objectives.
Our vision
Bringing multidisciplinary teams together in pursuit of shared growth and development through the application of project management knowledge.

mag. Tanja Kocjan Stjepanovič